
Building schools and expanding campuses is an investment in the future. Arbour is proud to be a part of that future through our completion of many educational projects across state of New York, for both the K-12 and university environments. With projects ranging from elementary schools to life sciences labs, and from university libraries to college dorms, we bring the necessary experience required to turn a campus vision to reality.

Some common questions asked when undertaking a school building program include:
1. Are there rules governing the conduct of contractors on school property?
Yes. Contractors working on the site receive a code of conduct to which they are expected to adhere. Smoking, foul language, alcohol and shirtlessness are prohibited on school property. Parking is limited to designated areas. Enforcement of these rules is a cooperative effort of the Building Administration, Staff and Arbour Construction Management Inc.
2. How will contractors’ access to the school be controlled?
Most building will take place in an area restricted from the students or at an hour when school is not in session. All contractors must wear ID badges identifying themselves and the firm for which they work. Those who must gain access to a building during school hours must sign in and out. Use of school toilet facilities by contractors is prohibited. Temporary portable toilets are provided for their use. Any construction related deliveries or lunch wagons are restricted to the construction site.

3 How will a safe site be maintained? The students will be prevented from entering the construction site via safety fencing with a locked gate or a wooden wall which prevents the distraction of viewing the site. This area will be locked after work hours. Contractors are responsible for the daily clean-up of all debris and will be accountable and penalized for any damage that might arise from littered or unsafe site.
4 How will dust be minimized? Great care is taken to prevent the migration of dust into occupied areas. Heavy duty plastic is used to isolate the construction site. Measures are taken to keep dust from entering air supply systems. Lights and other permanent fixtures are covered with plastic to avoid the settling of dust. Water or sweeping compound is used to remove dust from the area at the end of end of each work day.
5 What are the hours of construction operations? Your School District is able to have a Construction Implementation Plan or CIP which has been agreed to by all contractors. When required, your CIP, designed with the assistance of Administration and Staff, limits most invasive construction to after school hours and weekends. You can expect to see some construction during weekdays and holiday periods as well. When required, contractors will have agreed to these limitations in their contracts and understand that the purpose of such rules is to preserve the educational process.

6 Will there be any noise restrictions during the day? Construction by its very nature is noisy. Although attempts will be made to minimize disruption of the learning process, not all noise can be eliminated. However, arrangements will be made to accommodate special assembly days and testing periods.
7 To whom should I address any additional questions? Your School District will provide regular communication about the progress of construction and what you can expect to occur in the near future. In addition, Arbour Construction Management Inc. will provide a Parent/Construction Liaison. This person will meet regularly with parents, teachers, and principals. Aside from answering questions and conducting tours, this is an effective way for Arbour staff to stay apprised of any problems resulting from the construction. Your input is appreciated. As your District begins its construction project, safety becomes an issue of paramount importance. Any construction project brings with it some inconvenience, noise, dust, and changes in schedule. However, an unsafe or disruptive construction site is unacceptable. Arbour Construction Management has taken measures to assure the safety of students and staff and to minimize the disruption of the normal school routine. The information provided in this brochure addresses the most frequently asked questions and concerns regarding school construction. Your school administrator can provide details.