
Arbour believes in the need for commercial development done right. We strongly believe that renovated and new commercial development should contribute to the implementation of community design principles and concepts for commercial corridors and districts.

Landscape and signage for every project should contribute to the implementation of streetscape principles and concepts for commercial corridors or districts as well. Parking lots and driveways should be planned to be reduce the number of curb cuts, provide interconnectivity between sites, and be designed to support pedestrian, safety, connections and comfort. Landscaping design should be a defining feature for every project that contributes to the community’s health, image, and pedestrian comfort.

New Commercial development and renovation of existing centers and buildings should be planned and designed to facilitate access to transit. New and renovated projects should be designed to enhance adjacent residential neighborhoods. Projects should be designed to reduce the visual, noise, and use impacts on adjacent residential areas. Projects in specific plan areas or other special planning districts should support existing architectural design policies and concepts.

Every renovation and new commercial project should pursue architectural concepts that are compatible and further image and economic goals for the district and adjacent neighborhoods. Building massing and orientation should result in a pleasing and coherent composition of building elements and space. The architectural design of commercial projects should have a vocabulary of design elements that contribute to overall design and image concepts that work at a district and pedestrian scale. Selection of materials and finishes for new and commercial renovation projects should be of high quality and reinforce overall image and massing concepts. Lighting should be an integral part of the planning and design of commercial projects anticipating the needs of the shopping experience, businesses, and adjacent residential areas.
When the guiding principals noted above are followed though from inception to occupancy and use, an integrated plan and purpose is developed, its quality will show through.