Historic Restoration
Applying the measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of a historic property. Preservation work generally focuses on the ongoing maintenance and repair of historic fabric rather than extensive replacement or new construction.
Adapting a property for continuing or new compatible use through repair, alteration, and additions, while preserving those portions or features that convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values.Restoration
Accurately depicting the form, materials, features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time. Restoration retains as much of the historic period fabric as possible. Inconsistent features may need to be removed and missing features faithfully reconstructed in accordance with the restoration period.
Depicting by means of new construction the form, materials, features, and character of a historic property that no longer exists, as it appeared at a particular period of time, in its historic location.
Arbour is expert in the practice of preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction. We are here and ready to serve as today’s caretaker so as to endeavor to ensure future generations have and hold what we hold so dear to us today.Understanding the character defining features of a property and prescribing the appropriate treatment
require specialized experience and knowledge. Arbour’s staff is trained in materials and methods of construction, building design, code compliance, and architectural history.